(2019) 4 Visn. Nac. akad. prokur. Ukr. 34–52
Title of the article Determination of Crimes Permitted by Personnel of the Criminal and Executive Office
Doctor in Law, Professor, Honoured Lawyer of Ukraine, member of the Presidium of the Criminal Law Association, Chernihiv, Ukraine, dta_den@mail.ru
Short title
of the journal (ISSN)
Visn. Nac. akad. prokur. Ukr.
Year 2019
Issue 4
Pages [34–52]
Language Ukrainian
Abstract The complication of the socio-political and economic situation in Ukraine necessitated further search for more effective measures to prevent crime. The Criminal Enforcement Service and other law enforcement agencies are called upon to perform this task.
The article based on the existing theoretical generalizations, as well as the empirical material obtained by the author, presents the results of the study of the deterministic complex of crimes perpetrated by the staff of the criminal enforcement service. The subject matter of the study includes not only the offenses committed in the course of their duties, but also other criminal offenses. The idea is to distinguish these individuals into a particular category of research, since they are largely affected by socio-psychological factors of crime, because they interact with offenders who also affect them. That is why the study of the patterns of determination of criminal behaviour by the staff of the penal service has a powerful perspective on criminology.
The purpose of the article – to identify and systematize the main determinants of crimes committed by the staff of the State Criminal Enforcement Service of Ukraine (hereinafter referred to as SCES, taking into account their quantitative and qualitative indicators, analysis of the leading motives for committing crimes and administrative and disciplinary practices of SCES.
As a result of the research it is determined that the types of crimes analysed are a component of the general system of crime, and therefore the generalization of the determination of these phenomena is interrelated and interdependent. Investigation of the causes, conditions, other factors and background phenomena of crimes committed by SCES staff should take a systematic approach. It is necessary to understand the multifactorial formation of criminal behaviour of a person.
It is concluded that the study of the determinants of crime among the personnel of the system of organs and institutions of execution of penalties, as well as attention to the causes and conditions of a specific type of crime, deformation of personal psychology, prevents that deformation becomes inevitable.
The lack of a clear understanding of the determinants of such crimes will lead to the fact that measures to prevent them at the social, special criminological and individual levels will not be successful.
Keywords determinants; convictions; staff of criminal enforcement service; causes of crime; coercion; stimulation; conditions; factors of crime.
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